UFC Could Be Coming To Texas
UFC has had to move out of Las Vegas because of COVID and most matches lately have benn held in Dubai. Dana White is ready to return to the United States. Now that Texas is open 100%, Dana White has said Texas is the place to go.
On March 10th businesses were allowed to operate at 100% and the mask mandate was lifted. That is only happening in a few places.
In an interview with ESPN, Dana White said when heard Texas opening 100% he started calling Governor Greg Abbott.
MySanantonio.com reports Dana White told ESPN that the City of Dallas shut him down so now he is trying for Houston. :
"So if Houston is ready, we're coming," he said in the March 4 interview. "... If you're gonna have somebody come into your state and be first, who better than us? Not only are we gonna do it, we're gonna do it right. Look at our track record, we're gonna come in and blow the doors off that place, have an incredibly successful event, bring business into Houston and kickstart this whole thing again. Once we do it, everyone else is gonna follow suit."
White added, "Now is the time. I support the Governor of Texas, now is the right time to bring back events. I look forward to being first."
Governor Greg Abbott heard about Dana White wanting to bring the UFC to Texas and he tweeted back "bring it."
UFC wouldn't be the first massive event to come to Texas during the pandemic. The NFR was held in Dallas along with Cowboy Christmas. The World Series were held here in Texas and now baseball is back at 100% capacity. It would not surprise me to see the UFC come to Texas.