HARD MTN DEW Wants to Rename Dew, Texas to HARD DEW
HARD MTN DEW Wants to Rename Dew, Texas to HARD DEW
HARD MTN DEW Wants to Rename Dew, Texas to HARD DEW
HARD MTN DEW is on a mission to rename Dew, Texas, into HARD DEW. With a goal of 10,000 signatures by February 28, 2025, this tiny Texas town could become the ultimate HARD MTN DEW-themed destination.
Texans Are Surprisingly Good at Winter Shenanigans
Texans Are Surprisingly Good at Winter Shenanigans
Texans Are Surprisingly Good at Winter Shenanigans
People love to say that Texans lose their minds when we get even the slightest amount of snow. They say we can't drive on the roads correctly, we overprepare, and our electricity shuts off. Well, that does happen sometimes. Thanks ERCOT...

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