Six New Texas Laws That Are Affective September 1st
Every September 1st, the State of Texas has new laws that go into affect. This year is no different. However this year a few of the new laws that go into affect today are a direct reflection of the past year. The COVID pandemic opened our eyes to a lot of things and they way a lot of things that were done. Here are six new laws that I think will concern most people.
1. Texans can carry a handgun without a license or without taking a passing a training course. Only those who are legally eligible to own a fire arm. Background checks will still take place when purchasing a fire arm.
2. Critical Race Theory. I am basically going to sum this one up. History must be taught the way it happened to include the good, bad and the ugly.
3. Alcohol To-Go! Yes please. Restaurants can now sell you alcohol to take home with you. For example you order from your favorite Mexican food restaurant and want the margaritas to go with it, now you can.
4. The Star Spangled Protection Act. This states that any professional team in the State of Texas must play the National Anthem before any game or face the penalty of losing state and local tax dollars.
5. Abortion Restriction. Also known as the "heartbeat bill." An abortion cannot be performed once a heart beat is detected in a fetus, as early as six weeks. Victims of rape and incest are not exempt from this law and must carry the baby to term.
6. COVID Vaccine Passport are not allowed in Texas. According to the Texas Tribune: Businesses that require customers to provide their vaccination status against COVID-19 will be denied state contracts and could lose state licenses or operating permits
The law that I am most excited about and I know most Texans are is the right to carry without a permit or license. This does mean you can just go waving around a gun. There are still areas where carrying a fire arm on the premises is against the law.
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