Put Up Your Dukes! Mutual Combat Is Legal In Texas
Get into your best fighting stance and get ready to defend yourself. Texas is one of only two states where you can legally knock someone's block off.

The Lone Star State and Washington both have laws on the books that make it perfectly legal to fistfight. The key is consent and not taking it too far.
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This is not some law built just to make sporting events like boxing legal. There are statutes for those types of performances in almost every state.
How To Get Around An Assault Charge In Texas
Have you wanted to put your hands on a loudmouth coworker, but stopped because you were worried that you will catch an assault charge in the process? Look no further than Texas Penal Code statutes 22.1 and 22.6.
Here consent can be used as a defense to assault. If the other party agrees to fight you, in deeds or actions, and you keep the fight fairly clean, you could be completely in the clear.
This is basically another part of the "do you want to press charges" scenario. You can't be convicted of a crime if the person you harmed willingly consented to the action.
We Don't Talk About Fight Club In Texas
An honorable, fair fight used to be a respectable way to handle even the most minor of personal disagreements. That code has faded with time, but the law still exists.
So next time those two guys on the job site threaten to fight each other for an hour straight, just let them know. It's time to put up or shut up.
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I'm not saying you won't get arrested if you do this. Being detained doesn't make you automatically guilty, so let's go!