Texas Tech Football Coach Lets It All Hang Out for a Chance at Love

Texas Tech’s Kirk Bryant is trying to find love on the latest season of the Bachelorette. The second episode aired this week, and we got to see a bit more of our coach this week than we saw in the first episode.
By a bit more, I mean a LOT more.
This week’s episode started off strong by stripping all the boys down, putting them in itsy-bitsy speedos, and having them all compete in a pageant to impress the bachelorettes. The pageant consisted of the men showing off their physic before showcasing a talent of their choice and answering a few questions from the girls.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see Bryant’s performance, but we did see his reactions to the other guy’s talents as he sat in the background. If anything, I think it’s a blessing that he didn’t get exposed on national television like his fellow competitors did. There’s no coming back from dumping pasta sauce all over yourself in an attempt to impress the woman of your dreams, that’s for sure.
As the rest of this week’s episode continued, Bryant still didn’t receive much screen time. Other than the occasional b-roll, he was left in the shadows as one of the unlucky men to not get a date this week. Despite not getting a date or much screen time, he did receive a rose at the end of the episode. So, we will still be seeing more of Bryant on his journey to find love.
Hopefully he gets a date next week as we continue rooting for our Red Raider.
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