Tee Up And Serve For Kids-Benefit for Harmony Home
We had Executive Director Carrie Bronaugh of Harmony Home Children's Advocacy Center on the morning show with Gwen and Gunner this morning talking about a great event coming up for a great cause!
Ready to get your Golf On for a great cause? Harmony Home's "Tee Up And Serve For Kids Golf and Tennis Tournaments" will happen Thursday, July 1st at Odessa Country Club! TWO great events that day: There'll be a 4-person Scramble, and Women's Doubles tennis as well! Harmony Home Children's Advocacy Center in Odessa is a non-profit organization that also has locations in Monahans and Pecos that assist abused children. They've been helping kids in the Permian Basin since 1993 in their time of need through investigation, prosecution and treatment. Help raise funds for a much needed organization in our communities in West Texas by coming out for a day of fun!
You can also become a sponsor for the event too! There are several different levels of sponsorship for BOTH the Golf and Tennis Tournaments that will get your business or organization's name out there, as well as a very nice packages that vary depending on level purchased for the event as well that include things such as teams for each event (4 person scramble or Women's Doubles teams), your business name included in print materials and social media posts, and so much more. Lunch will be included for all attendees. If you want to find out more-click HERE.
To register for the event you can email: golf@hhcac.org or call 432-333-5233.