ZZ Top Postponed At Wagner Noel
ZZ Top was supposed play the Wagner Noel in June but just like everything else it was rescheduled for the end of this month, but in a statemen from the Wagner Noel informed fans the show is being postponed again.
Wagner Noel:
The ZZ Top performance re-scheduled October 28, 2020, at Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center has been postponed to a TBD date in 2021. So hang on to your tickets they will be good for the new 2021 date!
Due to a state wide regulation of performing arts centers being limited to 50% capacity currently. The safety and health of our fans is our highest priority and we encourage everyone to follow the guidelines put forth by public health officials.
The show will be rescheduled for a date to be announced. As a ticket holder, you will receive a notification via email when the new date is announced and will have the option, at that time, to get a refund if you are unable to attend the new date. For additional venue and ticket refund information, please visit https://www.wagnernoel. com/events/box-office.