You Will Never Believe What I Use This For
A while back a friend of mine told me about a makeup blog she was watching and heard the woman say she used Monistat on her face. I said, 'the vajay-jay cream?" She said, not exactly. I thought to myself you put that downstairs not upstairs. I did a little more digging and it not the vaginal cream it's the anti-chafing gel.
So what do I use it for? I use it as a primer, before I put my makeup on. It makes my skin very soft and my makeup go on so smooth. I don't put very much at all, because I did read where some women said it was clogging their pores. But, I also make sure that I clean my face very well at the end of the day.
So you can stop paying a whole bunch of money for expensive primers. It is sometimes hard to find. I found it at CVS for just $8.
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