Winds Blow Off Best Buy Sign
To say it's windy outside in an understatement. I thought maybe we had missed out on the crazy West Texas Winds since the wind wasn't that bad in March and April. I guess I was wrong.
The wind has been blowing like crazy the last couple of days. In fact, the wind woke me up at 3:30 this morning, I thought someone was beating on my back door. Thank goodness it was only the wind.
For one West Texas town it appears the winds were pretty extreme. This picture is from a Best Buy store in Lubbock, where the wind blew the sign off of the building. I was scrolling through Facebook this morning and saw the pic my friend had posted and I asked him if I could share it with you.
Can you believe this? This is crazy! The wind blowing a sign right off the building. The main stream media will probably blame it on COVID-19.