Why Is Going On Vacation So Hard
Why is going on vacation so hard sometimes. I mean geez! I just want to go on vacation and have a good time. It's not just dealing with people who live on island time, it's so much more.
For my 40th birthday my friends from high school and I are going to US Virgin Islands. It was a hard enough decision trying to decide which island we were going to stay on, once that was decided, we had to figure out where to stay. Not having ever stayed on the island of St. Thomas, I had no clue about the hotels there. You have to wonder if the pictures online are legit or they are just trying to make their place look better than it is. I spent hours looking at photos and reading reviews. I had initially asked a friend who frequents St. Thomas where we should stay, but their version of nice might now be my version of nice. Every hotel looks to be close to the beach, but are they? I felt a little better after googling the top 10 things to do in St Thomas and our hotel was on every list as somewhere you should visit.
Now that the trip is booked, I have been trying trying to book excursions. No one lists prices on their websites, no one lets you book online, and if you try to call no one answers. It's so frustrating!
I didn't mention everything that we have to do before we get there. We either have to have a negative COVID test with 5 days of travel or a positive antibody test. You have to register with the island to let them no how you are traveling there and all your travel information. Your hotel requires all the same information. Why did I get the vaccine if I am still being required to meet all these requirements. I also didn't mention having to wear a mask for 5 hours on the plane ride there.
I really hope by the time I get there, I can relax and enjoy it.