Where To Vote In Midland and Odessa
Today is Election Day! If you haven't already get out and vote. Let your voice be heard. It doesn't matter which way you vote, just vote! Exercise your right as an American citizen.
If you are new to area or may not have ever voted before here are the place you can vote in Midland and Odessa.
Annex Courtroom
2110 N A Street
Boy Scouts of America1101 W. Texas Ave.
Centennial Library
2503 W Loop 250 N
Cogdell Learning Center
211 W Florida Ave
Cornerstone Fellowship Church901 N Midland Drive
Cotton Flat Baptist Church6409 S Highway 349
Fairmont Park Church of Christ
3813 N Midland Drive
Fellowship Community Church5206 N Midland Drive
First Presbyterian Church - Lynn Hall800 W Texas Ave
Golf Course Church of Christ
3500 W Golf Course Road
Greater Ideal Life Center301 S Tyler St
Greenwood Baptist Church10908 FM 307
High Sky Children's Ranch8701 W County Road 60
Holy Cross Lutheran Church5110 N Garfield St
Manor Park5212 Sinclair Ave
Midland Lutheran Church2705 W Michigan Ave
MLK, Jr. Community Center
2300 Butternut Ln
Odessa Country Club#1 Fairway Dr
St. Paul's Methodist Church
4501 Thomason Dr
Stonegate Fellowship6000 W Wadley Ave
- CrossRoads Fellowship, 6901 Texas 191 Frontage Road.
- First Baptist Church, 709 N. Lee Ave.
- First Church of the Nazarene, 2223 Lyndale Drive.
- Gardendale Community Building, 4226 E. Larkspur Lane.
- Lincoln Tower, 311 W. Fourth St.
- Lowe’s Family Center, 7528 W. University Blvd.
- Lutheran Church of the Risen Lord, 1603 N. Grandview Ave.
- Murry Fly Elementary School, 11688 W. Westview Drive.
- Northside Senior Center, 1225 N. Adams Ave.
- Odessa Christian Faith Center (180 Youth Building), 88601 Andrews Highway.
- Odessa College Sports Center, 201 W. University Blvd.
- Police Athletic League Center, 1015 N. West County Road.
- Pleasant Farms Community Building, 4455 W. Apple St.
- Salinas Community Building, 600 W. Clements St.
- Sherwood Community Building, 4819 N. Everglade Ave.
- St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, 1601 E. 42nd St.
- Westlake Hardware, 4652 E. University Blvd