What it’s like to live with a pregnant best friend?!
Today I arrived home with the agonizing anticipation of having to clean my apartment. Would you like to know what actually happened? I walked through the open door to Beyoncé blasting from my Rokit speaker and my best friend and roommate making cookies in the kitchen. Shelby, 17 weeks pregnant with her first child, asked me to mix the dough because she can't handle the moist feeling between her fingers. (lol I know) This along with other things I've been asked to do is part of my life now. Just last night I was asked to part her hair, which I had never done before even having two sisters, so she could put in pigtails. My life as a best friend has been pretty much expanded on these past few months and honestly I probably wouldn't have it any other way. Look for more interesting tidbits of Shelby's and my life as she gets further along. Oh and by the way, I'm The Godfather... haha.