As you know, or if you are new to Texas flying the Texas is very important to us Texans. We are proud to be from the LoneStar State and proudly fly our flag. The Texas Flag is the only flag that can be flown at the same height as the United States flag because we came into the United States as our own republic. But in today's day and age, there are now all kinds of flags flown, ones that represent different countries, ones that represent different religions or one's sexuality. Sometimes it's hard to know what a flag may represent.

I came across a Tiktok video yesterday of a woman who had recently moved to the Houston area she noticed her neighbor across the street was flying a blacked-out Texas flag and she wondered if she should be concerned. I didn't know for myself so I decided to do some research.

A blacked-out flag means " no quarter."  " No Quater" is a term used in a military conflict meaning that no prisoners will be taken, they will be killed. Basically, it means take no prisoner.

So I am guessing that the woman's neighbor is letting the entire neighborhood know that if someone comes for them or their property, don't expect to leave alive. I guess one of those " we don't dial 911" kinds of homes. So in case something bad happens in the neighborhood, I guess you could probably go there for protection.

It is also sometimes believed this came as a Confederate symbol after the Civil War but according to this news outlet that is not true.

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