Weird Things That Are Against The Law In Texas
You have always heard about states having crazy laws, well, Texas has them too! Some of these are absolutely ridiculous and hilarious. The funny thing is we all may be guilty of a few!
1. Kingsville, Texas:
It is illegal for pigs to make love at the airport! So if you are going to have your pigs fly, make sure they are not about to mate!
2. Port Arthur:
It is illegal to fart in an elevator. The technical term is emitting an obnoxious odor! So the next time you do, you better hope you can blame it on someone else! LOL
3. Texas: (the entire state)
You cannot shoot wild hogs and coyotes out of a helicopter. All though there are many people who try.
4. Clarendon, Texas:
Although the motto is Don't Mess With Texas and it's all about cleaning up, it is illegal to use a feather duster on a public building in Clarendon.
5. San Antonio, Texas:
This explains why online dating has become so popular. It is illegal to flirt using your eyes or your hands.
6. Texas:
No sipping! It is illegal to take three sips of beer while standing. Chug! Chug! Chug! I am pretty sure no one has to worry about breaking this law because I have never heard of anyone only taking three sips of beer.
7. Mesquite, Texas:
Keep it classy and conservative. It is illegal for kids to have weird haircuts. I'm not sure how that could be defined. Hey now! Isn't the mullet the official state haircut? LOL
Be careful what you do in Texas.