Weird Things Only Texans Do
Y'all know we like to do things our own way here in the LoneStar State. We also do them bigger and better too. To us nothing compares to anything that hales from the great state of Texas. And you know that it doesn't matter where you are from, even if it's from somewhere here in the U.S., you are considered foreign. Thanks to a little help from the Houston Chronicle here are 16 things Texans do that others might find a little weird.
1. Dr. Pepper!
2. Open Carry. Its not usual but people are allowed to carry their firearms openly, whether it is a pistol or an assault rifle.
3. Mums! And not the flowers in the garden but the ones worn at the football games during Homecoming.
4. Blubonnetts. Stopping along the side of the road in the hill country just to snap the perfect pic of the bluebonnets in the spring.
5. Cowboy boots. They are an everyday form of footwear.
6. Cooking outdoors. No matter if it is hot or cold or raining outside there is probably always something on the grill.
7. Floating the river. Floating the river is a summer staple here in Texas. We pack our coolers, grab our tubs, and spend the day just floating down the river.
8. "Friday Night Lights" is a lifestyle for us, not a movie.
9. The dome of the Texas Capital building is bigger than the U.S. Capital Building
10. Koozies are must! It gets so hot in Texas we have to keep our drinks cold.
11. We say Y'all!
12. Tacos can be eaten for every meal.
13. Whataburger! The best burger place ever!
14. College Football Texas is home to 5 Divsion 1 Universities
15. Long Road Trips. It takes just 8 minutes longer to from Houston to Mexico City than it does to go from Houston to El Paso.
16. Texas Pride is shown proudly. You will not find a state that has more pride than Texas. We are proud to be from Texas
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