Was UTPB Initially Built To Be A Prison
I follow a lot of different groups on social media like Remember When, fun stuff to do in the area, nosey news and things like that. I want to keep up with what's going on and you all know I love history. The other day I saw a question pop up on one of the remember when pages that asked if UTPB was initially meant to be a prison, which peaked my interest. So I decided to read through all of the comments. One thing I did not know is there was a battle between Midland and Odessa as where the school would be located. Apparently there was a lot of dirty politicing in order to secure the location of the institution.
What I also learned was that UTPB was initially supposed to be a secondary education center, where those that had finished Odessa College and Midland College students could finish their degree. This prompted me to do some digging.
Come to find out it was never meant to be a prison and yes their was a struggle over where it was supposed to go.
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