Yellowstone is the biggest thing happening on TV right now, even though we are in-between seasons. I know there are some out there who don't watch but the majority of people I know are definitely fans.

As you know Yellowstone wrapped up Season 4 earlier this year and we recently found out, thanks to Lloyd, that the cast would return to filming in May, with a return to programming sometime this fall.

Yellowstone via Youtube
Yellowstone via Youtube

According to the Missoulian, Yellowstone is currently looking for extras to be a part of Season 5.

The casting directors are holding an open online cast call as we speak. If you are interested they are looking for individuals nine years old and up to film from May to December, in   Darby, Hamilton, and Missoula, Montana.

According to Whiskey Riff, 

Interested fans can find more information here, including details on how to submit an application with a current photo, preferably your best two individual photos and not family pictures.

You must also include height, weight, clothing sizes, a contact phone number, and city and state of residence. Positions are paid $130 per day and $40 per gas.

If you have nothing better to do maybe you could just hang out in Montana for a few months.

Extra Casting has a few rules  you must follow:

Everyone will be required to take a COVID TEST.  YOU will be required to go to one of our testing sites in Missoula or Hamilton 2 to 3 days prior to your work date.  The production WILL PAY FOR TEST.  And you'll be paid $100.00 for your time to test.  Rapid test on the day of work
is not paid for.

YOU will be asked fill out and sign documentation saying that you will stay away from high risk places like: bars, casinos, restaurants, crowds etc.... & practice social distancing / protective measures for the 2 to 3 days prior to your work date.

After the covid test.  YOU will receive an emailed link to fill out.  You will be required to fill out a health questionnaire daily on the days prior.

On your work day, DON'T FORGET YOUR CELL PHONE!  They will send a barcode to your phone.  YOU will have it scanned for entry and have your temp checked.  You WILL BE asked to wear a mask

You must have passport OR state legal photo ID

school id, military id, resident alien card,

Native American Tribal Document, Social Security card to work as required by law.

If you don't want to go all the way to Montana, maybe they will offer to cast for extras here in Texas at 6666's.


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