Today Is National DJ Day
Today is National DJ Day and I couldn't be more happy to celebrate my job and the people that I get to work with everyday.
I am so blessed to get to do what I do every single day. I couldn't imagine doing anything else. The thing I love the most about is touching people every day. If I can touch one person or change someone's day for the better than I have done my job. In this job I have a goal to laugh everyday. When I say laugh, I mean belly laugh, full laugh hard kind of laugh.
Someone once told me I this would be the best job I have ever had and I truly believe it. Once again I am so blessed to be able to do.
People often ask me how I got my job, and I always say the God gave it to me. The reason I say that is because I won a contest. The details of the contest were to never really be on the radio, it was really to just be a promotions person, and almost 17 years later here I am. That's why I always say God gave me my job.
The contest was to be a promotions person and drive their vehicle around and pass out prizes. If you will remember I was out every morning passing out donuts and other prizes. I was never really supposed to be on the morning show, then did the morning show for 8 years with a partner and 8 years without a partner.
I hope to keep doing this job for years to come and am great full for experiences and blessings that have come along the way. This job has provided opportunities that I probably never would have had and friends/family I have gained along the way.
Thank you to our listeners for keeping me around all of our years.