This Mother’s Day Was Definitely Different Than Last Year
Last year Mother's Day and Easter were the first holidays affected by COVID. We couldn't gather for church on Easter Sunday and a lot of people didn't get to see their mom's for Mother's Day last year.
I know yesterday was quite special for most people because for some it was the first time in a year they had been able to see their families. Now that people are getting vaccinated and COVID numbers are going down, more people are gathering.
This year was extra special for my family because we definitely didn't spend it the way we did last year. I don't always go into details about my personal life, I tell you guys most things but things that are close to the heart I keep inside until I am ready to talk about them.
Being able to celebrate Mother's Day this year with my mom was such a blessing because last Mother's Day could have been her last. A few weeks before Mother's Day last year my mom got really sick. The week before Mother's Day she was in the hospital in Seminole for a week and I was the only one that could be with her. During that week we faced some tough decisions but things got better. We thought she was getting better so they let her go home only to find out she wasn't better at all. On Mother's Day 2020 my step dad took my mom to Baylor Scott and White in Temple and we didn't know if she would make it home to us or not. After being there for almost three weeks she was finally well enough to come home and she's been getting better ever since. They never told us she had COVID but we believe that she probably did. We also believe that God got her through and it and gave her back to us to so we could continue to celebrate Mother's Day with her. I don't know where I would be without my mom.
I know there are many of you out there who don't get to celebrate Mother's Day with your mothers anymore, so believe me when I say I know how blessed I am to still have mine every single day.