The Randy Rogers Band To Hacienda September 20th
The Randy Rogers Band will be here on the 20th of this month. The Randy Rogers Band is returning to the La Hacienda Event Center Tickets are on sale now.
To reserve tables for this show you will need to call 432-520-3737. Get your tickets early because you know it will be a full house.
Randy Rogers Band:
<em>We’ve been having so much fun on the road that we decided to keep the show going! Can’t wait to see y’all soon <span class="html-span xexx8yu x4uap5 x18d9i69 xkhd6sd x1hl2dhg x16tdsg8 x1vvkbs x3nfvp2 x1j61x8r x1fcty0u xdj266r xhhsvwb xat24cr xgzva0m xxymvpz xlup9mm x1kky2od"><img class="xz74otr" src="https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t38/1/16/1f918.png" alt="" width="16" height="16" /></span> </em>
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Can you believe the Randy Rogers Band has been giving us music for over 20 years? This year marks the 20th anniversary of their sophomore album "RollerCoaster."
RBB said in a post on Facebook that "RollerCoaster was the album that changed so much for them and opened so many doors.
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The Randy Rogers Band's newest release is titled, "I Won't Give Up." The song was written by Randy Rogers, Jim Beavers, and Radney Foster. It was produced by Radney Foster. Johnny Chopps, a member of the Randy Rogers band directed and produced the video. It's a love song that takes about true love standing the test of time.
Chops told <a href="https://www.cmt.com/news/41sr9s/cmt-premiere-randy-rogers-band-conveys-true-love-in-i-wont-give-up-music-video?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR17-Q2LKmOIGA04BAgB5ZpcDRG2ePuXqB8LGznfsVgvDXWlLIt22PxNSUo_aem_AfW2N58bgeZJzssnvfV6RhLvJCd2RrKSlPoxtc4btmwHyMYPmVXhtnXtu6SI8x_Z9qbL8RewTyiZbkWA-35Q8fhC">CMT</a>: "I am extremely proud of the crew we put together," he said. "When you work behind the camera and on the production side, it really highlights the value of collaboration. I am very thankful my band brothers supported me and gave me the reins to explore my vision for this project, and to all the people who put in the hours to make it happen."
Here is the video:
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