The Great Debate–Change or No Change–Gunner
Every morning at 8:10am, Gwen and I face-off on a new topic, and we're always on opposite sides. The question is--who's side are YOU on? Could be about anything--so far it's been about things like Favorite Chips and whether or not they belong on a sandwich, Whether or not Pets belong in Bed with you at night, and so much more! Sound off in the comments section below and tell us YOUR opinion, and who you think presented their side of the argument the best.

Today's Topic--Change. Some people can't handle it well--others don't mind it and some even embrace it and wish for it. I've always been one to welcome it. Gwen likes to be in control and therefore doesn't like change--doesn't do well with it. Maybe it's because for me, I've lived all over the country for the past 30 years doing radio. Tallahassee Florida, Flagstaff Arizona, Topeka Kansas, Davenport Iowa, St. Joseph Michigan, etc. The old saying "Home is where you hang your hat" certainly applies to me. And I'm glad we are here in the Permian Basin now to share these days with you!
Something you learn when you've travelled as much as I have is that what's most important is who's on the ride with you. I've had the chance to meet so many wonderful people and make great lifelong friends in the places I've lived. So I've never feared change (well--past the first time I had to pack everything and move at age 20--THAT was scary!). But I'm hoping being here in the Basin I can sell my stock in U-Haul and put down some roots! I'd love to know where your heart is--it's definitely one way or the other on this topic--there's no in between.
So--where do YOU land on the subject? Drop us a note in the comments below and we shall see who wins this great debate!
Here are the top 25 hits of the ‘80s based on their overall popularity.