Thank You For 18 Years Permian Basin
On this date back in March of 2004, I came to work for the very first time here at LoneStar92 and it has been a magical ride ever since. I couldn't have stayed here this long had it not been for all of you and the help of the good Lord. Thank you for embracing me, taking me in, and allowing me to grow up on the air. Thank you for allowing me to be me. I know, I am a lot sometimes, but for the most part, all of you take me in stride.
So many people ask me how I got my job, and I always say that God gave it to me, because I won a contest. Most people don't believe me when I tell them, I won a contest. Back in 2003/2004, at the time the station still went by KNFM, was doing the "Morning Show Idol" contest, a playoff American Idol. I was never really supposed to be on the radio, I was really only supposed to do promotions, drive the vehicle around, and pass out prizes. As many of you remember I had a partner for 8 years and then I spent another 8 years flying solo, now I am partnered with Gunner.
I cannot begin to tell you how blessed I am to be able to do this every single day. I absolutely love what I do and could not imagine doing anything else in the world.
Again, if it wasn't for all of you, I wouldn't be able to keep doing this job I love so very much, so to you, I say THANK YOU. You as listeners mean more to me than you will ever know. Through this job, I have gotten to meet so many amazing people and see and do so many amazing things. It's hard for me to believe I have had the same job for 18 years, my friends have kids that old. LOL
And thanks to Gunner and the with the help of Mayor Joven in Odessa, it's officially Gwen day in Odessa. I finally have my own day!
I hope I can hang in for another 18.