The best way to teach your kids to manage their money is with a checking or savings account. No better time than to start with those summer pay checks.

When I was a teenager, I felt like one of biggest accomplishments was opening my own back account. With MTCU you can do the same for your kids. You can open one today in person or online.

MTCU has many great incentives to checking accounts:

Online and Mobile Banking with Free Bill Pay
Mobile App with Remote Deposit
Overdraft Privilege
Visa Debit Cards with Card Valet and Instant Issue
Unlimited Checkwriting
Money Desktop, a Personal Financial Management Tool
Affordable, comprehensive fraud protection from Kasasa® Protect

You can even get them a Spirit Debit Card. You can get a Lee Rebels spirit card or a Bulldogs spirit, with each giving back to local schools.

Visit MTCU

Close up of hands woman using cell phone.

or all your checking, savings, and loan needs.


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