Signs That You Are Growing Up And Adulting
I have recently come to the realization that I have become an adult! It has never crossed my mind that I was really growing up, but ever since I turned 40, I am starting to see things in a completely different light. For example last week I got excited about getting a new washer and dryer. I just traded my car off for something smaller and more economical. I now make decisions rational decisions not just straight from the hip. Here are a few other signs you are aging:
1. You buy clothes based on comfort and convenience. Like buying something because something has pockets.
2. You start eating dinner earlier and earlier. Hearing Lester Holt's voice makes you think it is time to eat! Like for me it's usually about 5:30 LOL
3. You don't mind spending a Saturday or Sunday afternoon at Home Depot/Lowes or Sam's.
4. The song playing on the ;overhead speakers at the store used to be your jam in high school.
5. Getting excited about buying new appliances.
6.You recently started a conversation with "As a taxpayer"
7. You are worried about the current interest rate.
8. You answer your buddies with " I better ask my wife"
These are signs that all of use are getting older. I just thought I was going to be young forever. In my mind I am not supposed to be 40, I should still be 25. But as soon as I act like a 25 year old my body quickly reminds me that I am not. When I went to Dallas to have my back surgery, I reminded my best friend that the last time we were there we went to see Luke Bryan and Jason Aldean and went to a Cowboys game. Now we were there for me to have back surgery and she was wearing readers to read her book while she waited for me.
I am not ready to adult yet. I still want to act young and not have a care in the world.
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