Ron White Calls Out His Time In Midland Last Week To Joe Rogan
You know 9 times out of 10 if a celebrity is discussing something in Midland/Odessa it's not always the greatest! Time after time celebrities who come to the Permian Basin often talk about our desert landscape. They talk about how we have no trees and a lot of dirt. I remember the time comedian D.L. Hughley came to Midland to perform at the Wagner Noel and he said when he was flying in he looked down and thought he was flying into Iraq because of all of the oil rigs and dirt.
Ron White became largely popular when he was part of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour with Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, and Larry the Cable Guy, where he earned the nickname "Tater Salad." He also wrote the book, I Had the Right to Remain Silent But I Didn't Have the Ability, which made it to the New York Times Best Seller List. Ron White along with fellow comedian Alex Reymundo founded Juan Tequila.
Last week Ron White performed to a sold-old crowd at the Wagner Noel. While here in Midland Ron got to experience the wild West Texas wind we have all learned to live with and he told Joe Rogan all about it on his podcast. He told Joe he had never experienced wind like that before ever. He couldn't believe that his 60,000-pound bus was being shaken like that. Ron said in 17 years he's never had something like that happen.
What I think is funny is that people who aren't around it all the time freak out and we are over here like....it's just another day. LOL