Open Letter To The City Of Midland
Dear City of Midland,
What the heck are you doing???? What is all this construction about? Can't you work on one street at a time and finish that one before you start a new one?
I get that road construction needs to be one to keep up our roads but do they all have to be done in bits and pieces all over town, at the same time. I don't understand why there have to be 37 projects going on at one time.
When I come to work every day, I am aware of the construction on 191, which is not too bad because it doesn't hold up traffic, except for when you exit off to Loop 250 during peak times. If you make it past that mess and head northeast on the loop there is more construction there. Now they have concrete barriers all along the loop near Wadley, closing the Wadley exit.
After getting through all of that mess, I went home for lunch and when I tried to get out on Midland Dr. the northbound lands are down to one lane, backing up traffic, I get past there and I need to go out to the Horseshoe. So I head out there and I turn to get onto the north bound I-20 service road and it's closed, so I have to turn around and cross the overpass to the south service road. So I head down the south service road, take the cross over to get to the horseshoe.
City of Midland, why can't you just do one area at a time, finish that one and move to the next one. It sure would be a lot less hassle for us drivers and you would get more projects completed that way. Are roads are already started to get congested again with the oilfield picking up, we don't need your help making them any worse.