MPD Introduces Cop In A Shop
You aren't the only one's making resolutions in the new year! The Midland Police Department is on a mission to make Midland a safer place and lower the crime rate in 2017.
In 2016 Midland saw the number of robberies rise to an average of 7.75 per month in 2016 from an average of 5 per month in 2015. To combat the rise and lower this rising rate MPD is introducing a new program called, Cop In A Shop.
Cop In A Shop, is a new program where officers will pose as local convenient store employees to prevent crime and catch criminals before they get away.
"The Midland Police Department is always looking for innovative ways to minimize crime in our community,” said Chief Price Robinson. “After analyzing data and working with our local business owners, we see this as an opportunity to work together to bring down the number of robberies we’ve seen recently.” Midland Police Department
So the next time you are thinking you want to knock off a convenient store or you young'uns think your going to make a beer run you might want to think who's behind the counter!