Midland-Odessa Meth Labs-Are YOU Close To One?
No one wants to think, especially after they've bought a house-that a Meth Lab is anywhere nearby. I mean-you did your research, you looked at a ton of listings, and you chose your new residence carefully. And you love where you live. Then you search the Interactive Map, and it shows you that a little over 5 miles away, there was an active clandestine meth lab. And it's much more rampant than you might think. Not to make you paranoid, but click on that link above and type in YOUR address and see how close YOU are to one.
There's a reason drugs that help us so much with colds are no longer sold on store shelves, and to get them, you have to ask at the counter and show an ID, where they keep a running list of who you are and what you've purchased. It's to keep chemicals in things like "The Good" version of Sudafed away from those folks who have bad intentions with them. Maybe you're one of the lucky ones, and you're catching this article BEFORE you've made an offer on some real estate. Click that link above, scroll down the page a little to the interactive map and check it out first.
We all want our families to be safe, and this is just as important to me, is knowing if there's a sex offender in your neighborhood. So do your due diligence and check for yourself. I didn't because I didn't know this interactive map even existed at the time we purchased. Now you do.