When was the last time that you felt that an establishment, or your home or office or your work place was haunted? I'm telling you right now, we don't play when it comes to the paranormal and we have reason to believe our radio station may be haunted. Allow me to explain.

Leo and I have been in the B93 studios, here in this same building, well over 20 years. Back in the day, I remember some of the DJs that used to work with us saying they would see and hear things. One of our night dj's would leave late at night and hear faint drums in the back (outside) of our building some nights. Ummm there is no band or bar or club up in this place! Creepy.
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash
Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Another coworker said that he would see a little boy some nights. He said he would see him playing in different places in the building. NOPE! You better go on outside, this ain't no playground! The last supernatural experience was over 15 years ago....that is until recently. We've got some new coworkers experiencing some things in the building again.

I.am.not.here.for.this.party. One of my coworkers randomly asked the other day if this building is 'haunted?' Girl, why are you asking? Apparently, from time to time she feels something is with her in her office. No ma'am! You better move to the other side of the building! Another coworker here walked into a studio where the lights were previously off, it was dark and all of a sudden they began flickering on and off! Help. Save me. Is there an exorcist in the house?

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