It’s Tax Free Weekend
You it's back to school time, when tax free weekend rolls around. But is it really worth fighting the crowds and standing in lines? To me not so much, but when I was younger I thought it saved me a ton of money.
When the truth is you only save $8.25 for every $100 that you spend. Maybe if you have several kids you are buying for, it could save you a little bit of money.
Here is the list of supplies that are considered in the tax free category:
- Binders
- Book bags
- Calculators
- Cellophane tape
- Blackboard chalk
- Compasses
- Composition books
- Crayons
- Erasers
- Folders; expandable, pocket, plastic and manilla
- Glue, paste and paste sticks
- Highlighters
- Index cards
- Index card boxes
- Legal pads
- Lunch boxes
- Markers
- Notebooks
- Paper
- Pencil boxes
- Pencil sharpeners
- Pencils
- Protractors
- Rulers
- Scissors
- Writing tablets
Here are the clothing items considered tax free: