Is It Even Worth Going On Vacation Anymore?
After being locked inside for the entire year of 2020 and not being able to do anything, the first thing most of us wanted to do was travel. We all wanted to get out and go somewhere. It didn't matter where just anywhere. Sounded good in theory but not in reality.
It takes so much to go on vacation now days especially if you are flying and/or leaving the continental United States. In the beginning of trying to get back to normal and a vaccine being released, I was under the impression that having the vaccine would allow for more convivences. I thought by having the vaccine I could go anywhere I wanted and most importantly wouldn't have to wear a mask except for on a plane, yeah not so much.
Earlier in the summer when I was planning for my trip to the Virgin Islands I thought getting the vaccine would allow me to travel without restrictions. Nope! Now before anyone gets all tied up with what I am about to say, don't. I am not saying that you should or shouldn't get the vaccine, that is your personal choice. What I am saying is getting the vaccine hasn't made anything easier. Even before the Delta variant case numbers grew you still had to jump through hoops to get somewhere.
When we went to get ready to go our trip to the Virgin Islands we had to have a negative COVID test with in three days of traveling, we had to register with the island and be approved to enter by the island which came hours before our flight. Once we got to the airport we had to provide the negative COVID test before letting us on the flight, then we had to provide it again at the airport after arriving in St. Thomas and they checked our temperature and we had to provide it once again at the hotel. After all of that we still had to wear a mask every where went.
Now fast forward to going on a cruise next week. Up until August 14th if you had the vaccine you were good to go. Now you must A. have the vaccine and B. show proof of a negative and we have to wear a mask everywhere in doors. It's not so bad just tending to me. I don't know what I would do if I had to do it for an entire family. I guess I probably wouldn't go.
I have been tested six times. I hate getting my brain poked.
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions