Gwen and Gunner’s Pet Of The Week
Every Wednesday at 9:10am, Gwen and Gunner feature a different pet that needs a new forever home here in the Basin. Sometimes it's a dog, sometimes it's a cat. They haven't had any guinea pigs, hamsters, birds or snakes---yet. But you never know!
Meet Cami!
Hi! I'm Cami! I came to the Sanctuary after being an outdoor cat along with my brother and sister. My previous owner couldn't keep me inside because her other cat didn't like us. We were brought to Lone Star Sanctuary for animals in hopes of us finding a loving home where we could stay inside. Since being at the shelter I have enjoyed meeting all the other cats. I'm getting used to the human staff and beginning to trust them they do give me lots of good food! I love to hang out on the cat trees in my room and enjoy looking at new people when they come to see us! As you can see by my picture I'm a pretty striking feline with my Tortosieshell coat and pretty green eyes! I wouldn't mind if you had a cat friend for me to play with or I could be your only kitty. Would you like to come visit me? I would love to meet you!
And if for some reason you're not looking for a pet right now--please click SHARE and post this to your social media so we can help Cami find her forever home. Or perhaps you're looking for a new furry friend who's a bit bigger. There are so many fur babies who would love to meet you-so stop by and pay them a visit! There are plenty of dogs and cats to choose from who would love to be your next family member.
The Lonestar Sanctuary For Animals can always use supplies as well so if you can, stop by and drop off a donation to help the staff care for the shelter animals til they can find their forever homes. Needed right now:
Cleaning supplies
Unopened / New Dog and Cat Food
Cat Litter
Items can be dropped off at the office at 4200 Fairgrounds Road in Midland during business hours. Thank You!