Girl Scout Cookie Time in the Permian Basin!
It's THAT time of year again! Doesn't matter who you are or where you're from--if you like sweets and snacks--there's nothing better than a box of Girl Scout Cookies! There's literally something there for every taste and preference.... If you're a mint person, there's the tried and true "Thin Mints" green box. Whenever you see it, you know exactly what it is! And you can't wait to get the plastic sleeve opened up to take that first yummy bite!
If you're a Peanut Butter fan, there's the always scrumptious Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs, as well as Peanut Butter Sandwiches. Like Lemon? There's Lemonades and Lemon-Ups! Toffee-Tastic, Caramel Chocolate Chip, S'mores, Shortbread, even the new Toast-Yay.... Like I said, something for everyone.
But the best part? You get to enjoy a tasty treat while helping an organization that teaches young girls to be confident, up and coming leaders all while enjoying fun and friendship. The Girl Scout Cookie program also teaches them to run a business by having either in-person booths, going door to door, or going digital and doing everything all on-line. If you have a young lady in your world who'd like to be a Girl Scout--she can join for free right now by clicking HERE.
If you want to order cookies and don't happen to know a Girl Scout-the Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest is working with Grubhub to deliver! In the Midland-Odessa area we can order cookies and have them delivered on Fridays from 4pm-8pm, and Saturdays and Sundays from 1pm-8pm using Gubhub. The technology with Grubhub teaches the girls to manage e-commerce, track and fulfill orders, manage inventory, and more.
One way or another--enjoy this festive time and help an organization that really is doing a ton of great work helping girls!
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