Don’t Miss The Color Run And Autism Walk This Weekend
April is Autism Awareness month. Did you know that 1 in 54 children in the state of Texas are on the Spectrum. Autism affects individuals in many ways. It affects each child/person differently.
According to the Autism Society of America:
Autism is a developmental disability that usually appears in the first three years of life. Autism is a “spectrum disorder” meaning that it looks different in different people. In general though, people with autism typically have difficulties with communication, behavior, and social relationships.
This Saturday S.H.A.R.E. is hosting their 12th Annual Autism Walk and 10k run at Grande Communications Stadium. This year they are also adding in a Color Run. SHARE is an organization that supports families on their journeys with special needs. SHARE provides respite services as well as support programs for siblings, parents, and extended families.
Everyone of all ages are invited to participate in this year's event. Whether you want walk or run everyone is invited. There will also be great prizes for those participating. There will be prizes for most creative t-shirts, most fun run outfit, and best run time.
If you would like to participate it is not too late. You can register HERE!
A color run is not your normal 5k run. According to The Color Run:
The Color Run is a five-kilometer, untimed event. At each kilometer mark, Color Runners are doused from head to toe in a different colored powder. Participants wear white at the starting line and finish the race plastered in color. Once the race is over, the fun continues at the Finish Festival, a larger-than-life party equipped with music, dancing, photo ops, activity booths, vendors, and more massive color throws, which create millions of vivid color combinations. Trust us, this is the best post-5K party on the planet!
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