Construction Areas To Avoid In Midland and Odessa
No matter where we go in Midland or Odessa we run into some kind of construction. For those of us who travel 191 every day, we have gotten used to the ever-changing lanes and new on and off ramps or the ramps you can't use from day to day.
One major intersection you need to be aware of today is the intersection of 191 and Loop 250 in Midland. If you travel west on 191 from Midland and you use the Loop 250, be prepared for a delay or take another route. Part of the service road in this area has been moved down to one lane which means in high traffic times this area will become very congested. So, if you travel this route, be prepared to be patient and wait your turn or plan a different way for your travels.
Another thing you need to be aware of in construction areas is the changing speed limits. You can be going 75 mph and then all of a sudden you are in a 45 mph zone. There are several spots along 191 where the speed limit is actually 60 mph, not that many people adhere to it but it is the speed limit.
As you know 191 and Faudree will be under construction as the City of Odessa has plans to widen the currently two lane road to five lanes. Be aware that the area will be down to one lane at times and the main entrance to Shiloh Estates could be blocked off. This project is estimated to take two years to complete.