Summer is lake time and it's definitely fishing time too. You hear people say they 'caught the big one' or 'almost caught the big one' and the fish in the story gets bigger and bigger every time the story is told. Well, a brother and sister in Arkansas really did catch the big one...each.

Fishing on the lake at sunset. Fishing background.

Logan and Haylee Applegate went for a night fishing trip and they each caught a giant flathead catfish last week on Lake Conway near Conway Arkansas. The fish were both so big that the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission took major notice. In fact, they posted photos on Instagram.


According to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission's post, Logan Applegate's catch weighed in at 50 pounds and his sister Haylee Applegate's catch was 45 to 50 pounds.

Now that's a fish story. A big fish story.

The AGFC posted on their Instagram page;

That’s not two people posing with the same fish, but two giant flatheads caught by brother-and-sister duo Logan and Haylee Applegate during their night-fishing efforts on Lake Conway last week. The fish in Logan’s photo topped 50 pounds, and Haylee’s catch was just as impressive, ranging somewhere in the 45- to 50-pound range. Haylee is a telecommunications specialist at the AGFC’s Enforcement Radio Room, but when she’s off work, she and her family are always outdoors.


AGFC Instagram
AGFC Instagram

Needless to say, night fishing in Arkansas is alive and well.

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Some Alligators In Arkansas You Can Touch - Most You Can't

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