And Just Like That Buc-ee’s Is No More
A week ago, the smallest Buc-ee's ever popped up in the tiny West Texas town of Marathon, very similar to the Prada Marfa storefront. The news spread like crazy about the pop-up Buc-ee's store. No one knows how it got there but it even got the attention of Buc-ee's corporation. They made sure to address one of the biggest things Buc-ee's is famous for and that's their bathrooms.
Jeff Nadalo, general counsel at Buc-ee's, also noted this lauded lavatorial accolade when asked to comment on the West Texas Buc-ee's.
"Buc-ee’s just recently became aware of the Buc-ee’s art installation in west rural Texas. While we have not visited the site, we do wonder whether they are keeping up with Buc-ee’s meticulous 24x7 bathroom-cleaning standards," Nadalo told the Midland Reporter-Telegram.
But I guess all good things must come to an end because as quickly as it appeared, Buc-ee's was gone. Visit Marathong Texas, believed it to only be a rumor that Buc-ee's was already gone:
Dear Friends,
It’s with great sadness that I report to you the rumor that the structure affectionately know as Tiny Buc-ee’s has succumbed to to the same fate that met “Target Marathon”.Again, as of right now, this news is still a rumor. We don’t know whether Tiny Buc-ee’s met its tragic end via wrecking ball , backhoe or bulldozer. But we do know that for 3 short days this tiny titan brought joy to the few who were lucky enough to set eyes upon her glory and take #selfies in order to share happiness and satire with the internet world.But please do come out to enjoy our beautiful sunrises and sunsets, our magnificent dark skies, wonderful restaurants and shops, laid back vibes and lovely community.
Tiny Bucee’s, if the rumor of your demise is in fact true, you will be missed. May you Rest in Pieces.
It’s true. Tiny Buc-ee’s is gone...The building still stands but all traces of its existence have been removed. @shesabrickvault , head brew master Brick Vault Brewery & BBQ] snapped this picture a few days ago.
Amy somberly stated via text that if you look close enough, you can still see the traces of epoxy left over after the iconic Buc-ee's] signage was removed.Kölsch may or may not have been poured out in honor of its short life...Tiny Buc-ee’s you may be gone, but you’re not forgotten.
That’s today’s news in Marathon, TX . Feel free to go about your day.
Oh... and if you happen to be in town this weekend, consider enjoying a cold #microbrewed Kölsch Brick Vault Brewery & BBQ] in honor of Tiny Buc-ee's] . Tiny Buc-ees would want that.
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