If You Are An Angry American This Song’s For You
Last Saturday night rocker turned country singer Aaron Lewis played a show at the Hacienda. Known for his loudly speaking his beliefs and views Aaron Lewis didn't hold back when playing his new song last Saturday at the Hacienda. Of course in the show we heard a few songs, he did when he was with the band Stained and his country songs but at the end of the show didn't hold back when letting us hear his latest single.
If you are an Aaron Lewis fan you know he doesn't hold back when expressing what he thinks or how he believes, Saturday night was no different. While wearing an impeach Biden cap and liberty t-shirt he freely shared the history behind his new song "Am I The Only One." The song was released on Friday July 2nd, just in time for the the 4th of July. When you hear the song it makes proud to me an American but angry at the same time because of what is happening to the greatest country in the world.
Here is the song, let me warn you there is some language in he song. The song is also going to be featured in an up coming movie, "Thanks For Your Service"
Like I said after hearing the song it made me proud to be an American and angry to be an American all at the same time. It makes me so angry that people take for granted what we have to here in America and how lucky we are to live here. When you think about how wonderful it is to live here and the freedoms we have and then see people be so disrespectful to and about this great nation, it infuriates me. I am with Aaron, if you don't like it leave, and if you can't support the men and women who have sacrificed everything for us to be able to live the lives that we live today, then again, leave.
Let me know what you think of the song.
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