They always say you want something you can't have and I hear that statement is true when it comes to Girl Scout Cookies. Every January tons of people are on the hunt for a girl scout so they can get cookies.

I know this won't surprise anyone, I am not a fan of Girl Scout cookies. There is not a flavor I really care for. I know that Thin Mint seems to be the best selling flavor of Girl Scout Cookies.

Saying that I don't really care for Girl Scout cookies, may not remain a true statement. The Girl Scouts  are adding a new flavor of cookie for the 2021 season. The Adventurefuls will come out in January with the traditional flavors as well as Toast-Yays that came out last year.

The Adventurefuls will be a brownie like treat with a caramel flavored cream center, a drizzle of chocolate and a sprinkle of sea salt. Sign me up! If you are you are a Girl Scout, definitely come find me in January. Hit me up. I love chocolate, caramel, brownies, and sea salt. This cookie is calling my name.

The Girl Scouts are now adding a Cookie Business badge. This is set to help girls to think like entrepreneurs. To earn this badge they will run their own cookie business and incorporate online sales.

Ever wonder why you can only buy Girl Scout cookies one time a year? I did some research:

The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led entrepreneurship program in the world, but it is just one

Girl Scouts Kicks Off National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend At Grand Central Terminal
Paul Morigi

part of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. Girl Scouts participate in varied activities throughout the year and work on many projects. The cookie program is just one of those activities. And because only registered Girl Scouts may sell Girl Scout Cookies, their market availability is normally limited to the six- to eight-week period when girls are engaged in the program through their local council.

  FAQ Girl Scouts



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