Every Texan is good with their Texas history and their Texas facts, I am about to give you 8 facts about our Lone Star State and I guarantee you, there will be at least two of them you don't know.

Texas State Flag the Symbol of the Lone Star State on a Perfect Flagpole with Perfect Blue Sky

1. Texas is larger than any European country. Texas is 268,820 square miles.

2. Texas has the largest capital building of any other state and it stands taller than the U.S. Capital Building in Washing D.C. The Texas Capital is actually about 15 ft. taller.

3. There’s a time capsule in Texas that contains a passbook to a bank account. When the capsule is open in 2968, the bank account is expected to have $1 quadrillion.

4.  No one knows who designed the Texas flag. The designer of the Texas flag is unknown. There was an early image of the flag drawn by Dr. Charles B. Stewart. However, nobody knows who actually designed it. It’s a mystery

5. Austin, Texas is home to the fastest road in the U.S., which has a speed limit of 85 mph on a 40-mile stretch of road between Austin and San Antonio.

6. The Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900 was the deadliest natural disaster in the U.S. Sadly, 6,000 to 12,000 lives were lost.

7. Texas is home to three of the top 10 most populated cities in the U.S., which happen to be Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio.

8. Texas’ Bracken Cave is home to North America’s largest known bat colony, which hosts more than 20 million bats.

Here is a bonus one for you because if you don't know this one then you probably should:  Six Flags Over Texas was named for the six countries that have ruled over Texas, which include France, Spain, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the United States, and the Confederate States of America.

All of these fun facts are courtesy of Only In Your State! 


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