10 Things Invented Right Here In Texas
Texas is very proud of where we have come from and what have. I knew many great things came from Texas like Whataburger, Dr. Pepper, and HEB, but I have no clue about a few of these.
1. Silicone Breast Implants. Created in Houston in 1962.
2. Snickers: 75% of all Snickers are made in Waco
3. The Frozen Margarita: Invented in Dallas but a restaurant owner used a soft-serve ice cream machine.
4. Ruby Red Grapefruit: When white grapefruit trees in South Texas developed a different type of red fruit, a scientist at Texas A&M patented the famous fruit as Ruby Red
5. Chili: Never questioned as to where Chili came from.
6. Fritos: Invented in the 1930s by a Texan named Charles Doolin.
7. Chili's Bar and Grill: The first one opened in 1975 on Greenville Ave, in Dallas.
8. Dr. Pepper: Invented in 1885 in Waco. My favorite drink of all time.
9. Fajita's: From the early 1900's out of the Rio Grande Valley.
10. Liquid Paper: It was created by the secretary at Texas Bank in Dallas.
Here is a little bonus which I think we all know and love. Born right here in the LoneStar State and spreading all across the country now..... Whataburger
There are so many other things that were born here in this great state! Even though Kentucky is known for its bourbon, Texas has a few good liquors of its own. Can you think of any other things that were invented here? I would have to say out of all of the things listed above I would have to say Dr. Pepper is my favorite.
8 Iconic Texas Snacks