Texas Vending Machines That'll Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth in a SnapTexas Vending Machines That'll Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth in a SnapWhat do pecan pies, cotton candy & almost every Skittles flavor have in common? Texas has giant vending machines all dedicated to these tasty snacks.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Texas Is Home To The Buggiest City In America. Who Is It?Texas Is Home To The Buggiest City In America. Who Is It?If creepy crawly things aren't your speed, you probably will want to avoid these citiesRyan KramerRyan Kramer
Dallas and Weed Legality: Understand the New RulesDallas and Weed Legality: Understand the New RulesThis could be the first step to legalizing marijuana in TexasRyan KramerRyan Kramer
The Fastest Growing Texas Cities Where People Moved To The Most In 2024The Fastest Growing Texas Cities Where People Moved To The Most In 2024We've been hearing for years about the mass movement to Texas from places like California and it seems like that trend is going to continue in 2025.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Which Texas City Just Became The 4th Largest? You'll Be SurprisedWhich Texas City Just Became The 4th Largest? You'll Be SurprisedIt's time to add a fifth major city to TexasRyan KramerRyan Kramer
Texas Mega-Church Pastor’s Scary Emergency In The PulpitTexas Mega-Church Pastor’s Scary Emergency In The PulpitThe Terrifying Incident Happened During Sunday Service In Dallas.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
Texas Doctor Sentenced to 190 Years For Endangering Lives By Tampering With I.V. BagsTexas Doctor Sentenced to 190 Years For Endangering Lives By Tampering With I.V. BagsA Dallas anesthesiologist who injected dangerous drugs into patient IV bags will be spending close to 2 centuries in prison.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
New $1.5 Billion Sports and Entertainment Complex Will TRANSFORM This Texas CityNew $1.5 Billion Sports and Entertainment Complex Will TRANSFORM This Texas CityExciting times ahead for this Texas City with the groundbreaking of the Staybolt Street District, a multi-million dollar venture set to redefine sports and entertainment in the region.Tara HolleyTara Holley
Texas A&M Commerce Rebrands: New Name Revealed for the UniversityTexas A&M Commerce Rebrands: New Name Revealed for the UniversityChange is inevitable and the East Texas University is preparing for a major rebrand.Melz On The MICMelz On The MIC
The Undertaker Bringing One Man Show to Dallas, TexasThe Undertaker Bringing One Man Show to Dallas, TexasIf you're a wrestling fan, you will want to pick up tickets for this.StrykerStryker