Hi, my name is Chuck Baker, and I'm absolutely delighted to be a part of the Kickin' Country 103-1 team. I've been a radio personality working in various markets across Texas for many years. Seventeen of those years were spent in Bryan/College Station before coming to San Angelo in 2009. I came on board with Kickin' Country 103-1 in October 2013 as the afternoon air personality. I love interacting with our Kickin' Country listeners on air, on Facebook, at remote broadcasts and personal appearances. I personally know many Texas/Red Dirt artists and love playing their music, interviewing them, and bringing them on stage all around the Concho Valley. Thanks for listening, y'all!
Chuck Baker
How Did The Ugly Christmas Sweater Originate
After winning the Townsquare Media National Contest for having the ugliest sweater for 2022, I had to do a litle research to find out more about how, when, and why the "National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day" came to be.
CPSC Has Some Great Holiday Tips About Toy Safety
During the Christmas Holidays the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reminds consumers to keep safety at the top of your mind. They also have some safety tips when it comes to toys for children.
CDC Tips for Safe Driving During the Holidays
Millions of motorist will be hitting the roads during the Christmas and New Year's Holidays and the CDC Government department has a few tips for you that hopefully will help to insure a safe trip!
There Is A Shortage Of Kids Medicines Right Now
Here's what experts say is causing a shortage of kids medicines and what you can do to treat your child safely during the shortage.
Are Shane Smith & The Saints Releasing A New Album?
If you went to ASU's Ram Jam last Saturday (Oct 22nd) you experienced a fantastic performance by Shane Smith and the Saints. If you weren't already a fan, I'll bet you became one after seeing them live!
Tesla Not Only Runs On Electric But Wants To Create Electric
Tesla is just one of a number of companies trying to beat the clock before an expiring tax incentive program in Texas is gone.
Could Texas Really See Our Heat Index Reach 125?
A study by First Street Foundation, based on predicting the ramifications of climate change finds that our Texas heat index could reach 125 degrees at times over the next 30 years.
TxDOT Says Improved Roads Are Coming To Texas
Governor Abbott & TxDOT today announced a record $85 Billion 10-Year Transportation Plan for the Texas Dept of Transportation.
Up for A Ghost Hunt at Fort Concho?
This could be a little more than a spooky Ghost Hunt because there are a lot of people that believe Fort Concho is haunted by ghost!
It’s Wild West Fest Kick-Off Party At Sports Next Level Friday!
Wild West Fest eight day music festival gets underway with a FREE Kick-Off Party this Fri, July 29th at Sports Next Level!